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Learn new languages in a flash

Master languages faster with AI-generated flashcards tailored for your learning needs for free!

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Flag of Spain

aprender español

Flag of France

Apprendre le français

Flag of Germany

Deutsch lernen

Flag of China


Flag of Nigeria

Kọ ede yoruba

Flag of Ukraine

Вчи українську

Flag of India

हिंदी सीखें

Flag of Philippines

Matuto ng filipino

Flag of Turkiye

Türkçe öğren

Learn actively

Each time you look at a flashcard, you attempt to recall the word or phrase, which enhances your ability to remember it over time.

Practice spaced repetition

Reinforce challenging concepts with a scientifically proven method for boosting memory retention.

Focus on Core Vocabulary

Learn high-frequency words and phrases most commonly used in everyday conversations and essential for language fluency.

Difficulty Levels

A1 (Beginner)

Learners can understand and use basic phrases and expressions.

A2 (Elementary)

Learners can understand frequently used expressions related to everyday life.

B1 (Intermediate)

Learners produce simple connected text on familiar topics, express opinions, and describe events, in a limited way.

B2 (Upper Intermediate)

Learners are capable of debating, discussing, and analyzing subjects in some depth.

C1 (Advanced)

Learners can understand a wide range of demanding, long texts and recognize implicit meaning.

C2 (Proficiency)

Learners at the C2 level have mastered the language.

Meet the amazing team

Anushka Narsima

Anushka Narsima

AI/ML Engineer

Oluwatobi Salawu

Oluwatobi Salawu

Software Engineer

Victoria Oyelola

Victoria Oyelola

Frontend Engineer

Ready to ace a new language?

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